Newsletter 50

Targeting the Goal

Every day we are called on to make decisions, often in complex environments. The core of technical engineering is to develop reliable data on which we can base those decisions. To this end, testing your information and keeping the goal in mind are positive steps. That doesn’t guarantee success, but having an engineer on the critical path is better than a lot of alternatives. Happy Reading.

No One Can Predict How Financial Markets Will Behave with Absolute Certainty. Here’s Why

No One Can Predict How Financial Markets Will Behave with Absolute Certainty. Here’s Why

Don’t be fooled by the title. This is actually an article on decision making in an environment of complexity, which is basically what engineers do every day. However, "our knowledge does not guarantee our success." Typically the way we reduce complexity results in biased decisions.

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The Conversation, January 2024

NYC Wants a ‘Blue Highway’ On Its Waterways

NYC Wants a ‘Blue Highway’ On Its Waterways

Should governments lead and direct technology, or follow? New York wants to leverage its waterways to remove cargo trucks from its neighbourhoods. How can this vision be distilled down to specific change? City infrastructure and mini-ports are only one factor.

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Smart Cities Dive, November 2023

Infographic: Unfilled Engineering Jobs Cost Businesses

Infographic: Unfilled Engineering Jobs Cost Businesses

This limited analysis has weirdly been turned into an infographic, but the bottom line is that having insufficient engineering resources causes companies to lose more money than having other needs unmet. Business resilience needs access to skilled engineers.

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ASME, December 2023

Fairy Stories and 'Magical Thinking' Obscure Origins of Crystal Palace and Eiffel Tower

Fairy Stories and 'Magical Thinking' Obscure Origins of Crystal Palace and Eiffel Tower

Every superhero gets an origin story these days. Apparently some engineering showpieces also have fictional genesis. Don't believe everything you read, especially on the internet, and don't let a smooth sales job distort your critical thinking.

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IMechE News, November 2023