These articles present different approaches to sharing an engineering specialisation. Some specialists consult into complementary fields of application and some circulate their techniques more widely via templates. In wider society, engineering is itself a specialty and professional associations have a role to play in bringing our expertise to the general public. Happy reading.
Racing into New Markets
McLaren is applying their experience in Formula 1 car racing to help companies in other disciplines. This cross-fertilization is most evident in the approach they take to engineering. Also, their skills in simulation and accurate measurement give their clients insights into their design issues.
Professional Engineering, January 2013
Democracy and CAE at GKN Driveline
“What if every engineer, no matter their duties or background, could have easy access to powerful CAE prediction capabilities?” Specialists frame routine analyses for non-experts. “The goal of democratization is to make the power of simulation available to more people.”
Automotive Engineering, October 2012
Associations: Trading Old Thinking for New Actions
Electronic communication has resulted in less demand for traditional networking opportunities. Engineering and scientific associations must rethink their roles in order to continue to advance their professions and remain relevant to their members and society in general.
Huffington Post, August 2012
From Eating Placenta to Rubbing Coffee on Your Skin
Celebrities are famous, not necessarily smart. Sense About Science has taken a number of celebrity claims to task in an annual round up of public statements. Apparently 2012 saw more sensible claims than usual.
The Independent, December 2012
The original release even has proper references.
Sense About Science, December 2012